THANK YOU again to everyone who donated to our foodbank appeal over the weekend.
The response from the community was incredible!
This was. without doubt, the biggest act of service within the community conducted by Balsall Common Lions, within our near fifty-year history ... and we have provided a lot of community service over the years!!
Each foodbank received over 230 carrier bags of food and toiletries
• Over 1000 tins of food - EACH! • 33 carrier bags of pasta, rice, and cereals • 25 carrier bags of drinks (tea, coffee, milk, etc) • 30 miscellaneous bags of other food • 37 bags of toiletries
• A grand total weighing approximately 3 tons!
In addition to the food, we have also collected nearly £900 in donations in cash and via our food bank donation link. If you missed us over the weekend, it's not too late. Just follow the links on our website front page and top of screen.
All of the food has now been dispatched to the three local food banks.
Godfrey and Angela with a full payload. This was the first of two visits to the Carriers of Hope charity in Coventry ; a food bank which we are supporting in support of St. John Baptist Berkswelll
Catherine Grimley and her father, Bob Service have two vehicles full to the brim, again another 230 carrier bags full, all on their way to the Bethany Community Outreach Emergency Foodbank in Erdington (
Finally , The Trussel Trust came to collect their donation from the Heart Of England Co-Operative Society Limited (Balsall Common Co-op). Bob from the Trussel Trust pictured here with Lion Ross Collins.