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Charity No 1173183

Prostate Screening event update
Thanks to the efforts of our team, we were able to test over 300 men last Saturday! Huge thanks to all of our members and volunteers for...

Balsall Beerfest '22 - Saturday 25th June at Balsall & Berkswell Hornets Football Club
More than a Beer Fest ... it's a great community event! The Balsall Beerfest is about promoting LOCAL breweries, sponsored by many LOCAL...

Spring Food Bank Collection - Thank you
A BIG Thank You from Balsall Common Lions Thank you yet again, Balsall Common, for your support of our Spring Foodbank Collection, last...

Lion Ray Stephens receives Lions International Presidents Medal
Many congratulations to Lion Ray Stephens on recently receiving the Lions International Presidents Medal. This award, the second highest...

A Michael Buble Tribute - 21st May
There's still a few tickets left if you fancy Bublé, pizza and salad on Saturday 21st May at St Peter's Hall for only £15. Contact Lion...

Guys, get tested
Come on guys book your test today for 21st May. Ordinarily, a Prostate PSA test would cost at least £20, but you can book yours on our...
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